Welcome to Penoramatic Reveries

How to Participate

* If you are not an author of the blog. Mail the moderators that you are interested to participate.

* We come up with a prompt every week. You can write a poetry, prose, or anything creative relating to the topic.

* Post your entry on the blog, under that topic. This does not need to be today. You can post any time during the week.

* Other participants will share their thoughts through the comment section of your posts entry.

* Relish the works from fellow contributors.

* Explore, share and Interact. The idea is exchange perspectives, takes, ideas and thoughts.

Thank you and enjoy !! :) Happy Interaction !!!

I am ....

Who am I ?

any attempt to answer that question implies the assumptions -- a) i am something that i can understand, b) i can explain what i understand, and c) i do not change by the above processes of understanding and then explaining myself.

[ :) ]

you see, i am not sure if any of those assumptions are valid. here are the problems:

a) is the paradox of the eye seeing the eye. no, not the eye seeing the model of the eye, the eye seeing another eye, but, the eye seeing itself, in its entirety, inside out. umm... you see the problem ;)

b) even if the eye can see itself, can it describe itself? will it make any sense to anyone else?
वो जब रामजी ने सीताजी को देखा, तो उस समय का वर्णन तुलसीदासजी कुछ ऐसे करतें हैं की
गिरा अनयन
नैन बिन वाणी
अब जो मैं कहीं भूले भटके ख़ुद को समझ ही लूँ, तो भी, समझाऊँ कैसे?

c) its like that guy heraclitus worried about not being able to step into the same river twice. the river flows, is constantly changing. so even if i do understand who i am right now, and then explain it to you, i might as well not have done it, because the manual is obsolete by the time it is written. the very process of becoming self aware, alters me, and i am someone else now.


the defense rests.



RG87 said...

interesting...damn interesting
though I don't really agree with everything/anything/something you said
something is wrong somewhere:D

Illusions said...

what? where? i am game for a good argument...

Meena Iyer said...

Ah well even if the nature of the water change.. water is essentially just that.. h2o isn't it ?

Does that change ?

Illusions said...

whoa! good for you!

no it doesn't, chemically it doesn't physically it does - different salts/dirt/solutes.

so that begs the question what is this part of you that does not change? the immutable, the constant?

is it thought? is it emotion? is it knowledge?

desire? action? ability?

Abhiroop Banerjee said...

"the very process of becoming self aware, alters me, and i am someone else now"

The three assumptions.

Brilliant :)

Illusions said...

whoa! brilliant! i haven't been called that in ages. but i guess it takes some to recognize some, so, right back at ya buddy :D