Welcome to Penoramatic Reveries

How to Participate

* If you are not an author of the blog. Mail the moderators that you are interested to participate.

* We come up with a prompt every week. You can write a poetry, prose, or anything creative relating to the topic.

* Post your entry on the blog, under that topic. This does not need to be today. You can post any time during the week.

* Other participants will share their thoughts through the comment section of your posts entry.

* Relish the works from fellow contributors.

* Explore, share and Interact. The idea is exchange perspectives, takes, ideas and thoughts.

Thank you and enjoy !! :) Happy Interaction !!!

desolation -- Rick Castillo

I decided to follow the lead of " Me :) " and contribute a poem I wrote previously, a very sad poem. This poem reflects my state of mind from a time about two years ago when I was sufferering from severe separation anxiety because my family was split apart by my divorce from my spouse. Writing this poem helped me come to grips with the tormented emotions I was cycling through at the time. It has been a long journey up from the depths of my depression but I am happy to say that I am well healed now and my children have also adjusted well to the new reality of our lives.


deserted and depressed since yesterday 
when you stole him away from my everyday
leaving me nothing but wretchedness and decay

walk along the river in drizzling rain
once bright scenes now clouded by disdain
I can no longer feel the love through the pain

cannot think of any way to reconnect
without him seeing the hideous defect
if he looks back he’ll see my life is a wreck

completely numb unable to feel
no one to love in this life all too real
not even a moment of joy left to steal

I’ll never again be able to cope
there will never be any reason to hope
all I can see is the end of a rope

no sun today only steel gray light
dull day descends into dismal black night
black night bleeds over my desolate plight



Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing this poem ... it talks perfectly for you !!

Nave said...

Thank you for sharing Rick .. well captured write that is.. Wishing you all the very best in life :)

RG87 said...

last para was great...

Meena Iyer said...

dull day descends into dismal black night
black night bleeds over my desolate plight

These lines stole my breath away :)

beautiful use of alliteration as well as repitation !!